+91. Introduction

Royal Duchess Marine recognizes that your privacy is very important and we take it seriously. This Privacy Policy (Policy) describes how Royal Duchess Marine Denizcilik A.Ş. (Royal Duchess Marine) collect, use, and share information in connection with your use of our website which is managed by Royal Duchess Marine.

2. Definitions

In this Policy:

Law; Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data,

Policy; this Privacy Policy and Personal Data Text,

Data Controller; refers to the person who determines the purposes and means of processing personal data and is responsible for the establishment and management of the data recording system.

Royal Duchess Marine adopts this Policy regarding the confidentiality and use of the information processed regarding the persons accessing the Site and other related issues.

Personal data refers to any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. For this reason, the regulations regarding personal data in this text shall apply if the relevant information belongs to a natural person. If the relevant information belongs to legal entities, the regulations other than the regulations on personal data in this text shall apply.

Royal Duchess Marine attaches importance to the confidentiality of data and takes care to be transparent about the storage of information. This Policy is a privacy policy that includes what kind of data is collected, how this data is used, with whom this information is shared if necessary, what are the rights regarding personal data and how these rights can be used, and the principles adopted by Royal Duchess Marine regarding privacy.

Royal Duchess Marine processes the Recipient information shared by the Visitor for the purpose of submitting a resume only for the purpose of conducting recruitment processes, and deletes the information transferred by the Visitor after the resume is submitted and does not store it in any way.

Personal data are processed in line with the following basic principles as regulated in the Law:

  • Compliance with the law and good faith,
  • Being accurate and up to data when necessary,
  • Processing for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes,
  • Being relevant, limited and proportionate to the purpose for which they are processed,
  • Retention for the period stipulated in the relevant legislation or required for the purpose for which they are processed.

It is important to note that whether Royal Duchess Marine collects or processes the data with explicit consent or in accordance with other conditions in the Law, these principles listed above still apply. The information collected by the Platforms is stored in a secure environment that is not publicly available. Royal Duchess Marine takes all necessary technical and administrative measures to ensure the appropriate level of security to prevent unlawful processing or access to personal data submitted by Users to the Platforms.  

On the Platforms, the highest level of confidentiality is provided within the conditions required by the internet environment.

Pursuant to the Law, your personal data is collected in written or electronic form by automatic or non-automatic means, and depending on the purpose of processing, it can be processed through the Platforms and all other online media or through cookies that provide communication with your devices on the Website, accounts operated on behalf of the Company on various social media channels, correspondence carried out through our e-mail addresses, other communication methods including text messages or multimedia messages sent for other purposes for our services, and all kinds of communication tools.

As a rule, the data within Royal Duchess Marine are processed as declared by the Visitors upon their declaration. Royal Duchess Marine is not obliged to investigate the accuracy of the data declared by Website visitors, Users or persons who contact Royal Duchess Marine. The declared data is considered correct. The principle of accuracy and timeliness of personal data has also been adopted by Royal Duchess Marine. Our Company updates the personal data it has processed as required by the official documents received or upon the request of the person concerned. It takes the necessary measures for this. Users accept, declare and undertake that if they receive services from the Platforms, they will share all their information with us accurately and completely, and that all information and documents they upload to our Platforms will be real information and documents.

If you have any questions about the security of our services, you can contact us via email at Personal data is confidential and Royal Duchess Marine respects this confidentiality. Personal data can only be accessed by authorized persons within the Company. All necessary technical and administrative measures are taken to protect the personal data collected by Royal Duchess Marine and to prevent unauthorized access and to prevent our customers and prospective customers from being victimized. Within this framework, it is ensured that the software complies with the standards, third parties are carefully selected and the data protection policy is complied with within the Company. The credit card information requested on the payment pages on the Website is obtained with the 3D Secure application in order to keep the security of the Users receiving services through the Website at the highest level. In this way, it is ensured that all transactions for payment are realized between the bank and the User's computer through the Royal Duchess Marine interface. However, despite this, it cannot provide a guarantee on security issues. 

Due to the nature of the Internet, information may circulate on the Internet despite adequate security measures and may be received and used by unauthorized persons. Royal Duchess Marine is not responsible for any damages arising from this use and use.  

In the event that Royal Duchess Marine works with different organizations to receive support services, it is ensured that these companies comply with the privacy standards and terms of Royal Duchess Marine.  

Royal Duchess Marine cannot be held responsible for any damages that may be caused to any person or organization by the legal or illegal behavior of third parties. Personal information can only be accessed by our authorized representatives and personnel who have agreed to keep the information confidential. Royal Duchess Marine may use anonymized statistical data (age, gender, geographical location, etc.) for the purposes of improving business processes, increasing service quality, improving our portfolio, better recognition of the market and some analyses, etc. 

The Platforms may contain links to other websites whose content is not controlled by Royal Duchess Marine. These linked websites may contain terms and conditions different from those of Royal Duchess Marine. Royal Duchess Marine cannot be held responsible for the use or disclosure of information that these websites may process. Likewise, Royal Duchess Marine will not be held liable when links are provided from other websites to this website, which belongs to Royal Duchess Marine.

3. Collection of Personal Data, Collection Method and Legal Reasons

The information that Visitors send to Royal Duchess Marine while becoming a member of the Site and/or using the Site or Services, collected by automatic means through the Site, shared with Royal Duchess Marine through the Site and/or stored in accessible form while becoming a member of the Site and/or using the Site or Services may fall within the scope of personal data processed under this Policy. The identity and contact information of the Buyers are transmitted to Royal Duchess Marine by the Members.

Personal data may be collected verbally, in writing or electronically through Royal Duchess Marine's websites, call center and all other similar channels through which services can be obtained from third parties, through the Site, automatically or non-automatically. If the Visitors benefit from the Services or access the Site even if they do not benefit from the Services, the following information about the Visitor and the use of the Services from various sources is collected for the legal reasons stated below.

The information below is specified separately for the Visitor's status as a Member, Buyer and Visitor and will be applied according to the Visitor's status.

a) Data Categories and Data Types



Process Security Information

Username-password, workspace name, data collected through pc/e-mail/system and application user transaction information, internet traffic data (network movements, IP address, visit data, time and date information), cookies.

b) Legal Reasons


Your personal data may be processed for the purposes that are the subject of your disclosure to Royal Duchess Marine and for the purposes listed below in terms of each data category:




Process Security Information

●      The law explicitly stipulates the process by which we process your personal data

●      Conditions that are necessary in order to fulfill our legal obligation



c) For What Purpose Personal Data Shall Be Processed


In accordance with this text, Users' personal data is processed for the following purposes in accordance with the above general conditions:



Process Security Information

●      execution of information security processes

●      conducting audit/ethical activities

●      execution/audit of business activities

●      conducting activities to ensure business continuity

●      providing information to authorized persons, institutions and organizations


4. Transferring Your Personal Data

Royal Duchess Marine may transfer the User's information, including personal data, to another country and jurisdiction that does not have the same/similar data protection laws in the jurisdiction where they are located.

Below are the purposes for which User's personal data may be transferred abroad. Users' data is also transferred to Royal Duchess Marine's suppliers in abroad in order to achieve the following purposes.


Data Subject

Transfer Purpose and Transferred Group


●      Sharing information with domestic or foreign suppliers that provide server services for the purpose of conducting storage and archiving activities.


5.Data Retention Period

The following criteria are utilized in determining the retention periods for the periods during which the processing conditions of personal data obtained by Royal Duchess Marine in accordance with the relevant legislation continue in accordance with the Law and the destruction periods in case the processing conditions disappear:


  1. If a period of time is stipulated in the relevant legislation regarding the storage of the personal data in question, this period is complied with. Necessary actions are taken upon expiration of the said period.
  2. If the period stipulated in the relevant legislation expires or if no period is stipulated for the storage of the data in question, the compliance of the storage of the information with the principles, for example; It is questioned whether the Royal Duchess Marine has a legitimate purpose in storing the data. Although it has been processed in accordance with the Law, the data determined that the reasons requiring its processing have disappeared are deleted, destroyed or anonymized.



Data Category

Retention Period

Legal Basis


Process security

Minimum 1, maximum 2 years

Law No. 5651


6. Technical and Administrative Measures Taken to Ensure Data Security

Royal Duchess Marine undertakes to take all necessary technical and administrative measures and to exercise due diligence to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and security of personal data. In this context, it takes the necessary measures to prevent unlawful processing of personal data, unauthorized access to data, unlawful disclosure, alteration or destruction of data. In this direction, Royal Duchess Marine takes the following technical and administrative measures regarding the personal data it processes:


Anti-virus application. Periodically updated anti-virus application is installed on all computers and servers in the information technology infrastructure of Royal Duchess Marine.


Firewall. The data center and disaster recovery centers hosting Royal Duchess Marine servers are protected by firewalls with periodically updated software; the relevant new generation firewalls control the internet connections of all personnel and provide protection against viruses and similar threats during this control.


Suppliers can access Royal Duchess Marine servers or systems via SSL-VPN defined on Firewalls. A separate SSL-VPN definition has been made for each supplier; with the definition made, the supplier only accesses the systems that it needs to use or is authorized to use.


User definitions. The authorizations of Royal Duchess Marine employees to Royal Duchess Marine systems are limited only to the extent required by their job descriptions; in case of any change in authorization and duty, their system authorizations are also updated.


Information security threat and incident management. Incidents that occur on Royal Duchess Marine servers and firewalls are transferred to the "Information Security Threat and Incident Management" system. This system alerts responsible personnel when a security threat occurs and provides an immediate response to the threat.


Penetration testing. Periodically, penetration tests are performed on the servers in the Royal Duchess Marine system. As a result of this test, security vulnerabilities are closed and a verification test is performed to verify that the relevant security vulnerabilities have been closed. In addition, penetration tests are automatically performed by the Information Security Threat and Incident Management system.


Information Security Management System (ISMS). In the ISMS meetings established within Royal Duchess Marine, the topics in the control forum are audited monthly by the director of information technologies and the director of financial affairs.


Training. In order to increase the awareness of Royal Duchess Marine employees against various information security breaches and to minimize the impact of the human factor in information breach incidents, employees are regularly trained.


Pseudonymized data. Pseudonymization is used for all secondary data processing other than the primary processing purpose (Example: Ahmet Yilmaz  "A... Y...").


Physical data security. Ensures that personal data on paper media are kept in locked cabinets and accessed only by authorized persons.


Deletion of cookies. Personal data processed through cookies belonging to third parties from which services are received are deleted from the systems of third parties if the membership is terminated.


Although Royal Duchess Marine takes the necessary information security measures, in the event that personal data is damaged as a result of attacks on the Site or Royal Duchess Marine system or is accessed by unauthorized third parties, Royal Duchess Marine immediately notifies the Visitors and the Personal Data Protection Board and takes the necessary measures.


7. Clarification Text on the Protection of Your Personal Data in Case of Job Application

This disclosure is provided for applicants who wish to establish a business relationship with Royal Duchess Marine to introduce themselves to Royal Duchess Marine and submit their curriculum vitae (CV). We may process your personal data in order to fulfill this purpose and to carry out some research. Your personal data that may be subject to processing by us, if you share it with us or if it is necessary, are as follows:


Identity Data

Name, surname, Turkish ID number, date and place of birth, gender, marital status, nationality

Contact Data

Your e-mail address, address, city/district of residence, home and/or mobile phone number


Sensitive Personal Data

Information about your membership in associations, foundations, trade unions, political parties, information about your religious or philosophical views, ethnic origin and race or information that may form an opinion on that subject, information about your health, if you include it in your CV


Education Data

Education level, certificates and diplomas, specialization, foreign language skills, training and skills, seminars and courses attended, computer skills


Work Experience Data

Total experience, employment status and title, work experience (company names, periods worked, job description)


Visual Data

Photograph of the applicant if included in the CV


Website/Application Usage Data

Date the resume was submitted, position applied for, time and duration of stay on the website, browser used (ios/android/mobile site/website), IP address, log records



Driver's license data, competencies, hobbies, salary expectation, military service status, reference information (name, surname, title, workplace, telephone, e-mail of the reference person) and any word, PDF files and any other personal data attached to the CV of the applicant




As Royal Duchess Marine, we collect your personal data that we request from you in order to fulfill our legal obligations, for the performance of the employment contract that may be established between us and for the legitimate interest of Royal Duchess Marine, by your physical or electronic transmission to us, by registering information on our career page.

If you apply to Royal Duchess Marine, we may process your data for the following purposes in order to evaluate your job application as it is necessary for the establishment of an employment contract within the framework of the legal relationship that may be established between Royal Duchess Marine and you:

- vetting candidates, identifying new candidates for employment and recruiting new employees

- Confirming the data with the reference persons you include in your CV

- Recording your CV information to verify how well you match the position

- Keeping a record of the offer letter we share with you via e-mail in case we need it in the short or long term

- Finally, we are obliged to share your personal data when we are asked to share your personal data through legal requests such as lawful prosecution requests and court decisions and in accordance with legal notifications regulated in the legislation. In addition, if your personal data is subject to a dispute to which we are also a party, we may need to share your personal data with the channels and persons such as lawyers, experts, courts, etc. necessary for us to exercise our right to defense. We may process your personal data in order to fulfill these legal obligations and to exercise our right to defense.

In the process of processing and evaluating your application, we may transfer your personal data to domestic and foreign third parties as follows:

- Your personal data collected within the framework of the Cookie Policy, user movement data (such as where clicked, how long stayed, etc.) within the site we collect in order to provide you with better service, we can transfer to companies that provide business development by analyzing such data.

- We may transfer your personal data to companies we work with such as Insider, Google Analytics for sales, marketing and reporting activities.

- If you apply to Royal Duchess Marine as an employee candidate, your personal data may be shared with the people you show as a reference in order to confirm with them.

- We may also transfer all your personal data, including your sensitive personal data, to our lawyers or legal advisors in order to exercise our right of defense, and we may transfer all your personal data, including your sensitive personal data, if we receive a duly legal request to transfer your personal data.

8. Changes and Updates

As Royal Duchess Marine, we have the right to change the Policy in accordance with the Law and to better protect personal data.  

This Policy may be revised and updated as new features are added to the Site or new suggestions are received from Visitors. However, in this case, Visitors will be informed by publishing the changes on the Site. We may, in certain material cases, notify Visitors of such changes by e-mail or other conspicuous method reasonably designed to notify Visitors, with additional notices as appropriate. Upon notification of such changes, if the Visitor continues to access the Site and use the Services after the notification period, he/she shall be deemed to have consented to the changes in the Policy. Therefore, we recommend that the Visitor review the Policy each time he/she accesses the Site. If the provisions of the Policy are changed, they become effective on the date of publication.

9.Visitors' Rights

Visitors have the following rights against the Data Controller Royal Duchess Marine in accordance with Article 11 of the Law;

- To learn whether personal data is being processed or not,

- Request information if personal data has been processed,

- To learn the purpose of processing personal data and whether they are used for their intended purpose,

- To know the third parties to whom personal data are transferred domestically or abroad,

- To request correction of personal data in case of incomplete or incorrect processing and to request notification of the transaction made within this scope to third parties to whom personal data is transferred,

- Although it has been processed in accordance with the provisions of the Law and other relevant laws, in the event that the reasons requiring its processing disappear, to request the deletion or destruction of personal data within the framework of the conditions stipulated in Article 7 of the Law and to request notification of the transaction made within this scope to third parties to whom personal data is transferred,

- In the event that the processed data is analyzed exclusively through automated systems and results in a result to the detriment of the Visitor, do not object to this,

- In case the Visitor suffers damage due to the processing of personal data contrary to the Law, to demand the compensation of the damage.

We store your job applications and CVs for a maximum period of one year. Upon expiration, we delete or anonymize all your application information and CV files.

Complaints/requests to be made by Visitors whose personal data are processed by Royal Duchess Marine in order to exercise their rights will be answered and finalized by Royal Duchess Marine within the shortest possible time and within 30 days at the latest, in a reasoned positive/negative manner. As long as there is no additional cost for the reply process, the process is free of charge; if it requires an additional cost, Royal Duchess Marine may charge the fee in the tariff determined by the Personal Data Protection Board.

The Visitor may submit his/her requests and complaints to the address [●] in person, provided that an identity check is made by the relevant unit of Royal Duchess Marine, or applications made by proxy, provided that a notarized power of attorney is presented, applications made through a notary public, and registered electronic mail addresses, provided that a secure electronic signature is used. 

Pursuant to the Law, the Visitor has the right to apply to the Personal Data Protection Board within thirty days from the first response to the first complaint application, thirty days from the date of learning the Royal Duchess Marine's response, and in any case within sixty days from the date of the first application, and failure to comply with the said periods is a forfeiture of rights. In addition, Visitors can visit the "Contact" page to change their communication preferences.

Company Title: Royal Duchess Marine Denizclik A.S.

Address:  Postane Mah. Şelale Sk. A Blok No:4 Interior Door No:1 Tuzla/Istanbul


Tel: +90 (216) 210 1515